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Large-volume urine samples are necessary for bioassay monitoring due to the very small
urinary excretion rates. Ideally, 24-hour total samples would be preferred; however, such
samples often impose substantial inconvenience on workers, resulting in an in
noncompliance with the instructions. As an alternative, total samples can be simulated by
either time-collection protocols or volume normalization techniques.
One method of time-collection simulation (NCRP, 1987b; Sula et al., 1991) is to collect all
urine voided from 1 hour before going to bed at night until 1 hour after rising in an in the
morning for two consecutive nights. This technique has been reviewed with regard to
uranium by Medley et al. (1994) and found to underestimate daily urine excretion by about
14%. Such a finding is not unexpected, since the time span defined by the protocol is likely
to be about 18 to 22 hours for most people.
The volume normalization technique typically normalizes whatever volume is collected to
the ICRP Reference Man daily urine excretion volume of 1400 mL. Reference Woman
excretion (1000 mL/d) may be used for gender-specific programs. As a matter of
practicality, routine monitoring programs do not usually use gender as a basis of routine data
interpretation, particularly since results are anticipated to be nondetectable under normal
A third method calls for collection of a standard volume (e.g., 1 liter) irrespective of the time
over which the sample is obtained. This method uses the standard volume as a screening
tool only for routine monitoring. It does not attempt to relate measured routine excretion to
intake, relying on well-defined and timely supplemental special bioassay to give true or
simulated daily excretion rates.
The most common sample collection containers are 1-liter polyethylene bottles. Although
glass bottles are also used, they pose additional risks of breakage. Wide-mouthed bottles are
preferred for convenience and sanitation. The number of bottles included in an in the kit
should be appropriate to the protocol; for a total 24-hour protocol as much as 3 liters can be
expected. Special provisions, such as a funnel or transfer cup, may improve the esthetics of
sample collection and provide for added worker cooperation.
Some concerns can exist with length of sample storage before analysis. Storage may come
from delays before batching samples in an in-house or due to transportation times to an
offsite laboratory. The longer a sample stands, the more chemical and biological change it
can undergo, typically manifesting itself as sedimentation and plateout on container walls.
While samples can be preserved by acidification or freezing, good radiochemistry
techniques should assure essentially complete recovery of any plateout or sediment.
Samples sent offsite for analysis can be preserved with acid, but this method imposes

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