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2.3 Inventory and Tracking
The Chemical Information System (CIS) is used for chemical container tracking (inventory) and MSDS
access. The system data is updated daily. Each container is bar-coded either by the JIT vendor, the
laboratory owner, or the chemical inventory team. Every employee at SNL can view the data and perform
searches. The bar-code number on each container allows access to information about the chemical name,
location , quantity, NFPA codes, SARA codes, CAS number, specific gravity or density, and
corresponding MSDS, synonyms; mixture ingredients and percentage; vendor information; dates in and
out; and chemical owner. Information is obtained from the JIT and other vendors, lab owners, and the
Chemical Inventory Team. Vendors supplying bulk quantities of chemicals (diesel fuel, liquid nitrogen,
etc.) notify the CIS Team when they fill tanks.
The CIS maintains a running total of quantities of all chemicals so yearly totals can be calculated. A
wall-to-wall chemical reconciliation is performed annually to maintain the accuracy of the chemical
inventory. In addition, throughout the year, laboratory owners can add chemicals to their inventory and
remove or transfer them from their inventory electronically. Sandia's Waste Management organization
provides weekly disposal information from bar-coded containers that are disposed through that
organization's process.
CIS information is used to generate a number of reports, including those for Emergency Planning,
EPCRA, city, county, and State Air Quality information, DOE information requests, OSHA Process
Safety, carcinogens, reproductive toxins, pollution prevention, and Information for the NEPA process.
2.4 Transportation
Requirements for transportation packaging and transporter training vary based on the degree of the hazard
and the travel route and distance. Sandia's ES&H Manual provides a detailed description of these
requirements for the members of the SNL workforce. When on non-Sandia controlled premises, the
requirements and practices of the host facility apply.
In terms of transportation, chemicals are divided into two hazard categories: High and Low. The High
category includes explosives (categories 1.1, 1.2, 1.3), dangerous when wet (4.3), organic peroxides (5.2),
poison inhalation hazards (6.1 and 2.3), and infectious substances. The Low category includes low
flammable solids, flammable gases, corrosives, explosives (1.4 and 1.5), and biological hazards not in the
high category.
When transporting High category chemicals between Technical Areas, members of the workforce must
provide hazmat-trained packaging and transportation specialists to conduct the transport, DOT labels,
documentation (e.g., transfer papers), placarding, strong/tight packaging, tie downs, and government
vehicles for the transport. Infectious substances must be triple-packed and labeled. Placarding is not
required when transporting high hazard material within the technical areas.
When transporting Low category chemicals between Technical Areas, members of the workforce must
provide hazmat-trained packaging and transportation specialists to conduct the transport, strong/tight
packaging and tie downs, some form of communication such as labeling or Technical Work Documents,
and government vehicles for the transport. Hazmat training is recommended, but not required, when
transporting low hazard material within the technical areas.
All offsite shipments of hazardous material are performed exclusively by the shipping organization.

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