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Savannah River Site Chemical Management Program
1.0 Introduction
Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC), as the prime contractor, manages the Savannah River
Site (SRS) for the DOE. Projects related to past, present, and future missions have used and continue to
use chemicals in a variety of processes. The SRS CMP was established to ensure that the management of
chemicals complies with applicable Federal, State and local regulations, DOE directives, and the
contractual provisions with DOE, as stated in the Standards/Requirements Identification Document
The SRS CMP also aims to ensure that the core elements of the ISMS are adopted at each process or
activity level. Safety is of utmost importance to SRS employees, as evidenced by the "VPP Star" status
granted by DOE-HQ in 2000 for the quality of the DOE-Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) at SRS.
Also, SRS received certification under the ISO 14001, "Environmental Management Systems
Specification with Guidance for Use" program in 1997.
The Chemical Commodity Management Center (CCMC) at SRS is the organization designated to
establish SRS chemical management policy and help implement the SRS CMP on site. The SRS CMP
does not rely on the CCMC efforts alone because chemical safety is recognized at SRS as the
responsibility of ALL employees. The CMP takes input from the SRS Chemical Management Committee
at the Division level, and from the chemical coordinators at the field level, and provides a common focus
to those working with chemicals from various line organizations. CMP implementation is achieved
through compliance with site-level and facility-specific procedures that govern activities associated with
chemicals, oversight by CCMC and other WSRC organizations, and the use of communication tools, such
as, the Chemical Life Cycle Management homepage and its links on SRS Intranet (see Section 2.0). The
CCMC manager coordinates the SRS CMP and serves as the single point of contact for all chemical
WSRC has established a site-level Chemical Management Committee (CMC) to address chemical safety
management. This committee consists of members having the authority to address issues for their
Division's Vice-President and the responsibility to implement all committee decisions within their
divisions. The DOE Field office at SRS, as well as, WSRC Divisional Support organizations such as
Industrial Hygiene, Transportation, Fire Protection, and Emergency Services, are also represented at the
CMC. The CCMC manager chairs the committee and holds monthly meetings.
Each site organization has a chemical coordinator, who is a trained, facility-level person, responsible for
day-to-day chemical safety and OSHA HazCom compliance issues. The chemical coordinators are
matrixed to the CCMC for guidance and training. They also attend monthly meetings organized by the
2.0 Chemical Life-cycle Program
The SRS CMP requires chemical hazards to be examined at every stage in the life cycle of the chemical.
The first option is to eliminate the use of a hazardous chemical if possible. Where elimination is not
practicable, the minimum amount required for the application is procured. Other areas to be examined
include, but are not limited to, the potential impact on safety basis in selection of the warehousing facility,
onsite transportation, designation of storage locations within operating facilities, handling and use, and

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