| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
identification of the process to be followed to gain approval (schedules, time limitations,
and approval defaults),
identification of methods for identifying significant issues and for resolving differing
identification of qualification requirements for team members, and
identification of the basis for the establishment of a necessary and sufficient set of
While the primary documentation for adequacy of the Process product will be developed by the
teams, the Convened Group should develop a formal method to document their decisions as the
Process develops. Many of the attributes that support a feasibility determination for the
proposed WSS set will be captured in this record. It will be necessary to describe in detail some
of the key steps and responses to the uncertainties which are inevitable. Experience has
shown that it is far better to document these events when they occur, rather than attempting to
build the record later.
Effective Convened Groups obtain Stakeholders and Interested Parties' views often as input to
the decision making process and provide clear, consistent information to the Process Leader
concerning performance expectations and objectives that must ultimately be satisfied by the
implemented WSS set.
Role of the Process Leader
The Process Leader should be proactive in identifying appropriate individuals to serve on the
Convened Group. Typical candidates are representatives from the Agreement Parties and the
Resource Authorities.
The Process Leader convenes the first meetings of the Convened Group. There are two items
of business which should be addressed during the early meetings. First, the Process Leader
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