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the federal regulations and standards for DOE site characterization should be consulted for defining
the program of investigations. Data and other information obtained from prior investigations shall be
used, supplemented by additional investigations at the specific location as deemed necessary by the
design professional and geoscientists.
A quality assurance (QA) program and peer review group for data used in site characterization are
required. The quality assurance program should be developed in accordance with the DOE Quality
Assurance Plan (10 CFR Part 830, Subpart A). The peer review is to be performed by independent
qualified personnel with extensive knowledge and experience in various aspects of NPH site
characterization. The quality assurance program and peer review should be conducted within the
framework of a graded approach with increasing level of rigor employed from Performance Category
1 to 4. For sites containing facilities with SSCs in Performance Category 1 or 2, a program
conforming to model building codes requirements will be sufficient. For sites containing facilities with
SSCs in Performance Category 3 or 4, a program approaching that or similar to that required for a
nuclear power plant is necessary. The peer review group in theses categories would help establish the
site characterization program at the outset, help resolve site-specific problems as they arise, and help
DOE to approve the results. The review group would be involved from the beginning and by the time
the assessment is complete, would have first-hand familiarity with problems/solutions developed during
the effort.
10 CFR Part 100 Appendices A and B describe the nature of specific investigations to determine site
suitability concerning seismic and geologic factors for commercial nuclear power plants. U.S. NRC
Regulatory Guide 1.165 (USNRC, 1997a), U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide DG-4003 (USNRC, 1992b),
U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.132 (USNRC, 1997b), and Standard Review Plan sections 2.5.2 to
2.5.3 (USNRC, 1997c) provide general guidelines for identification and characterization of seismic
sources and defining ground motion for commercial nuclear power stations. These criteria may be used
for the site characterization for facilities containing SSCs in Performance Category 3 or 4.
DOE sites are encouraged to develop a sitewide NPH database that can be referenced by facility
specific SARs. Such an approach would minimize the amount of written material that would be
required in individual SARs.
Criteria are presented in this paragraph for meteorological, hydrological, geological, seismological, and
geotechnical studies to characterize the site and to provide the necessary site-specific information. The
required information is necessary to complete the hazard assessments described in DOE-STD-1023-95
and in turn to provide input for design and evaluation requirements described in DOE-STD-1020-2002.
The scope and degree of detail of investigations to address these natural phenomena hazards depend on
several factors, which include: the performance categories of the SSCs making up the facilities; the
hazard classification of the facilities; the subsurface conditions at the site; the meteorologic, hydrologic,
and seismotectonic environment of the site region; and the extent of prior knowledge, investigations, and
data regarding the site and site region. Although more detailed investigations are generally appropriate
for facilities having higher performance categories, it should be kept in mind that investigations of lesser
scope and detail may be appropriate when the existing knowledge of the site and region is extensive and
up-to-date. Similarly, although less detailed investigations would generally be commensurate with lower
performance categories, more comprehensive investigations may be needed if a critical site hazard exists

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