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Accreditation - the certification through the Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program
(DOELAP) that a personnel dosimetry and radiobioassay programs meet the criteria in this standard for
specified measurements. The assessment for accreditation includes testing program performance and the
evaluation of associated quality assurance, records, and calibration programs. The accreditation process
includes the development of recommendations for any improvements needed to ensure continuing quality.
The objective of the DOELAP is to accredit personnel dosimetry and radiobioassay programs of
DOE/DOE contractors, regardless of whether the measurements are conducted at commercial, in-house
facilities, or at another DOE facility.
Applicant - a DOE or DOE contractor facility which has submitted an application for DOELAP
accreditation and is participating in the accreditation process (see Contractor).
Certificate of Accreditation - a certificate, along with a the conditions of accreditation, issued by the HQ
DOELAP Administrator, upon successful completion of the accreditation process. The effective date of
accreditation is specified on the certificate.
Conditions of Accreditation - a document that accompanies the Certificate of Accreditation that defines
the categories and equipment for which the DOE or DOE contractor facility is accredited. The
accreditation expiration date is specified in the conditions..
Contractor - a DOE or DOE contractor facility which has submitted an application for DOELAP
accreditation and is participating in the accreditation process (see Applicant).
Designated Representative - a person identified by the DOE or DOE contractor or applicant for
accreditation which provides a single point of contact for administering contractor participation in the
performance testing and the site assessment.
Extremity Dosimetry - the assessment of dose equivalent resulting from external radiation to the
extremities (i.e., hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee, and leg below the knee).
Personnel dosimetry - the assessment of dose equivalent resulting from external radiation to the skin and
the whole-body (i.e., total body with the exception of hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee, and leg
below the knee).
Radiobioassay - the measurement of the amount or concentration of radionuclide material in the body or in
biological material excreted or removed from the body and analyzed for purposes of estimating the quantity
of radioactive material in the body.
Subcontractor - a contractor operating for the DOE contractor to provide radiobioassay, irradiation
and/or dosimeter processing services.
Subfacility - a laboratory operating under the technical direction and quality system of a main facility that
is accredited.
Testing Laboratory - a laboratory independent of the DOE contractor dosimetry programs, authorized by
DOE to carry out DOELAP performance testing.

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