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that the facility is operated safely and to reduce the risk to the public and workers from off-
normal conditions. The implementation of the TSRs would satisfy this objective for fusion facili-
ties. The TSRs will be applicable to Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 facilities to ensure the safe
operation of a facility without exceeding the evaluation guidelines. Below Hazard Category 3
facilities, by definition, will not exceed the evaluation guidelines and as such will not require
TSRs to impose operational restrictions and equipment operability safety requirements. How-
ever, economic considerations or other facility protection concerns may warrant including some
administrative controls in a TSR document.
TSRs are those requirements that define the conditions, safe boundaries, and the man-
agement or administrative controls necessary to ensure the safe operation of a fusion facility
and to reduce the potential risk to the public and facility workers from uncontrolled release of
radioactive or hazardous materials. A TSR consists of safety limits, operation limits, surveillance
requirements, administrative controls, use and application instructions, and the basis thereof.
5.7.1 Implementation of Technical Safety Requirements
The complexity of the TSRs should be commensurate with the hazards associated with
the facility. For example, the facilities with potentially more severe risks will require more
detailed and specific requirements in the TSRs, and the facilities with less severe risks should
require simpler and less complicated TSRs. The requirements contained in the TSRs should be
derived from the safety analysis performed for the facility. If the basis for the surveillance inter-
vals is not contained in the safety analysis, then engineering judgment or other bases (e.g.,
industrial experience or manufacturer's recommendations) should be used.
Guidance for the development and implementation of TSRs is contained in DOE 5480.22,
"Technical Safety Requirements" (DOE 1992a).
5.7.2 Risk-Based Prioritization in Technical Safety Requirements
The facility characteristics that determine the level of detail and sophistication needed in
the safety assessment, under the risk-based approach concept, are the same as those that
determine the makeup of the TSR. The characteristics are (1) the magnitude of the potential
hazard, (2) the complexity of the facility and the systems relied on to provide safety assurance,
and (3) the stage in the life cycle of the facility.
The overall guiding concept is that an acceptable and uniform level of safety assurance
should be provided for each type of facility, all hazards categories, and all fusion sites. Facilities
with small potential hazards and little complexity do not need sophistication or detailed informa-
tion in their TSR (or their safety analysis) to achieve the uniform level of safety assurance.
Only Hazard Category 1 facilities should normally need the full complement of TSR ele-
ments; that is, Safety Limits (SLs), Limiting Control Settings (LCSs), Limiting Conditions for
Operations (LCOs), Surveillance Requirements (SRs), and Administrative Controls (ACs).
Although some Hazard Category 2 facilities may require SLs or LCSs, the majority of these
facilities should be able to achieve the required level of safety assurance with only LCOs, SRs,

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