| DOE-STD-1173-2003
ANSI/ANS-8.17, Criticality Safety Criteria for the Handling, Storage and
Transportation of LWR Fuel Outside Reactors
Criticality safety system personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge
of communications (both oral and written) when working or interacting with the
contractor, stakeholders, and other internal and external organizations.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Identify the various internal and external groups with whom criticality safety
personnel must interface in the performance of their duties.
Describe the media that may be utilized to communicate with these groups.
Criticality safety personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of
nuclear safety-related data and information management requirements in
accordance with the requirements of the following Department of Energy (DOE)
DOE Order 200.1, Information Management Program
DOE Order 414.1A, Quality Assurance
DOE Order 241.1A, Scientific and Technical Information Management
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the Authorized Disposition Requirements for criticality safety-related
records in DOE Order 200.1, Information Management Program.
Describe the requirements for documents and records in DOE Order 414.1A,
Quality Assurance.
Describe the purpose, scope, contents, and requirements in these Orders.
Discuss the applicability of the above Orders to the Department criticality safety
activities and processes.
Discuss the role of the Department criticality safety personnel in implementing the
requirements of these Orders.
Criticality safety personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the
following Department of Energy (DOE) safeguards, security, and nuclear material
accountability Orders for nuclear safety-related issues:
DOE Order 5610.13, Joint Department of Energy/Department of Defense
Nuclear Weapons System Safety, Security, and Control Activities
DOE Order 470.1, Safeguards and Security Program
DOE Order 473.1, Physical Protection Program
DOE Order 474.1A, Control and Accountability of Nuclear Materials
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