| DOE-STD-1173-2003
Type C
Compare and contrast immediate, short term, and long term actions taken as the
result of a problem identification or an occurrence.
Given event and/or occurrence data, apply problem analysis techniques and
identify the problems and how they might have been avoided.
Describe various data gathering techniques and the use of trending/history when
analyzing problems
Personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the functional
interfaces between safety system software components and the system-level
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Identify how system-level requirements are established and then assigned to
hardware, software, and human components of a digital instrumentation and
control system.
Identify the typical requirements that define functional interfaces between safety
system software components and the system -level design, as described in
standards such as ANSI/IEEE 830, IEEE Guide to Software Requirements
Specifications and IEEE 7-4.3.2, Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety
Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
Identify the specific records that must be maintained and the requirements for
maintaining these records to document the development of safety system
Review a development project for safety system software. Explain how the
functional interfaces between components and the system level design were
established and controlled.
Criticality safety personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
guidance provided in DOE Technical Standard DOE-STD-1134-99, Review Guide
For Criticality Safety Evaluations.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the purpose and general structure of the guide.
Using the guide as a reference, discuss the guidelines provided for use by DOE
criticality safety personnel when reviewing criticality safety evaluations produced
by a Contractor.
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