| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1109-97
Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
rem (R/hour, mR/hour, rem/hour, mrem/hour)
rather than counts per minute (cpm) or
disintegrations per minute (dpm). Ion chambers
measure energy deposited and are good instruments
for measuring X-ray radiation dose levels.
Instruments such as Geiger-Mueller (GM) counters
are effective for detection of radiation because of
their good sensitivity. However, because both low-
energy and high-energy photons discharge the
counter, GM counters do not quantify a dose well.
A thin-window GM counter is the instrument of
choice for the detection of X-rays. However, this is
not the instrument of choice for measurement of X-
ray dose.
ii. Facility-Specific Instrumentation.
(Insert facility-specific information on
instrumentation, as appropriate.)
Objective 2
Note: X-ray leakage from RPD housings or shielding
may be a narrow beam that is difficult to detect and may
not be recorded by personnel monitoring devices.
Whole Body Dosimeters.
Operators of intentional X-ray devices usually wear
10 CFR 835.801(d)
dosimetry such as thermoluminescent dosimeters
(TLDs) film or badges. These dosimeters can
accurately measure radiation doses as low as 10
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