| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1109-97
Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
of one of the other classes. Its use is
limited mainly to mobile and portable
equipment where fixed shielding cannot be
used. The protection of personnel and the
public depends almost entirely on strict
adherence to safe operating procedures and
be locked (as in the shielded installation) or
be under constant surveillance by the
operator. The perimeter of any Radiation
Area created by the system must be defined
and posted.
According to ANSI N43.3, when the
radiation source is being approached
following the conclusion of a procedure,
the operator shall use a suitable calibrated
and operable survey instrument to verify
that the source is in its fully shielded
condition or that the X-ray tube has been
turned off.
(Add facility-specific examples.)
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