| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2006
(Powered Industrial
inventory at each location;
Periodic physical confirmation and validation of inventory records;
Documented maintenance and inspection programs that ensure facility
Staying within facility storage limits;
Awareness of chemical compatibility when storing chemicals; and
Awareness of time, temperature, moisture, shock, etc., sensitive chemicals and
their associated hazards.
The documentation and periodic confirmation and validation of inventory records
Section 2.3,
Inventory and
can be performed by the chemical inventory system mentioned in Section 2.3,
Inventory and Tracking.
2.6 Control of Chemical Hazards
Control of chemical hazards should be carried out at all levels (i.e., site, facility,
and activity) following the same hierarchy of controls as with any other health and
safety hazard, i.e., substitution, engineering, administrative, and personal protective
equipment. The level and rigor to which chemical hazards are controlled will
depend in part on regulatory or contract requirements.
When controls for hazardous chemicals are established, they should be based on the
hazard identification and hazard analysis, including any additive or synergistic
effects. If multiple hazards with varying severities exist, then the most conservative
control should be used, i.e., if two types of hazard are present which use similar
types of controls, the more protective control should be used.
To ensure control of chemical hazards, management should:
Substitute less hazardous chemicals, when possible.
Team with workers to analyze, identify and mitigate hazards.
Provide ventilation and/or enclosures, as needed.
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