| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2006
the facility inventory in an expeditious manner that is documented and in
compliance with all applicable regulations. For example, disposition of unneeded
chemicals is handled through property management regulations. The final
disposition of the chemicals should be recorded, and all applicable records should
be transferred to the appropriate personnel.
Identifying a "waste"
A determination should be made as to whether a site's chemicals (materials) meet
the regulatory definition of a "waste."
A waste is any material that is discarded by being abandoned (i.e., disposed
of, burned, or incinerated), recycled, or considered inherently waste-like .
Certain materials that are "accumulated speculatively" are designated as
40 CFR 261.2
waste .
It is important to recognize that certain materials in inventory (MIN) may
meet the regulatory definition of a waste, and thus be subject to waste
management requirements. If MIN chemicals are not reused or exchanged,
they fall into the waste category and should be dispositioned [per the DOE
Office of Environmental Management's (EM) MIN Initiative].
EM MIN Initiative
Identifying a "hazardous waste"
The generator of a waste is responsible for determining whether waste is a
"hazardous waste" subject to regulatory requirements.
Procedures should ensure that a timely determination is made (by a
qualified person).
Procedures should be based on definitions in RCRA and applicable state
To be classified as "hazardous," a chemical waste must exhibit one or more
characteristics of hazardous waste, or be listed as a hazardous waste.
Hazardous Waste
Note that the listed hazardous wastes include pure and commercial grade
40 CFR 261.20,
formulations of certain unused chemicals [i.e., Pure (P) and Unused (U)
261.21, 261.22,
listed wastes].
261.23, 261.24
40 CFR 261.30,
261.31, 261.32,
Some requirements for storage of hazardous waste
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