| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2006
A multi-disciplinary hazard analysis team comprised of line management, health
and safety professionals , chemical professional , and workers can effectively tailor
the controls applied to the work at the facility and site level.
DOE-STD-3009-94 (CH3) provides guidance for nuclear facilities on establishing
documented safety limits, limiting control settings, and limiting conditions for
operation, surveillance requirements, administrative controls, and design features
that result from a disciplined safety analysis. However, this standard does not
address common industrial hazards that make up a large portion of basic OSHA
regulatory compliance (DOE-STD-3009-94 (CH3)). Line managers need to ensure
that this interface between the DSA hazard level and activity level is addressed. 10
CFR 851 and its associated guides can be used to assist in addressing activity level
10 CFR 851
hazard analysis and controls.
For hazards not identified at a higher level analysis, unique activity-specific
controls may be required. The Enhanced Work Planning (EWP) process relies on a
work planning team to specify and tailor the controls for this level. At each level
(site, facility, activity), these multi- disciplinary teams can address all relevant
functional areas or disciplines of concern (e.g., quality assurance, fire protection,
chemical safety, industrial safety, radiological protection, emergency preparedness,
criticality safety, maintenance). Controls at the activity level may be developed
from higher- level analysis or by using the results of activity hazard analysis.
Emphasis, however, should be on designing the work and/or controls to reduce or
eliminate the hazards and to prevent accidents, unplanned releases, and exposures
(DEAR 970.5204-2(b)(6)).
1.4 Perform Work within Controls
A process to confirm adequate preparation and application of controls prior to
authorizin g work should be carried out by a qualified multi-disciplinary team. First
ISM Guide
Vol 1
line supervisors should team with employees, chemical lifecycle and safety
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management personnel, and other safety and, health professionals to ensure proper
controls are identified and implemented to establish a safe working environment.
The hazard and complexity of work should determine the formality and rigor of the
review process, documentation, and level of authority for agreement.
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