| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2006
The set of performance measures developed by the Chemical Safety Topical
Committee (CSTC), which are provided as examples of useful measures for a
site's chemical management program;
Occurrence Reports and corrective actions for ISMS improvement
Occurrence Reports
Facility environment, safety, and health data and identification of environment,
safety, and health issues to develop improvements required in the site ISMS;
Worker or operator suggestions from the Employee Concerns Program and
employee safety organizations;
Review of DOE program and budget execution and guidance; and
ES&H data collection and analysis systems that support the site's ISMS.
Chemical lifecycle and safety management should be an integral part of the ISM
evaluation and annual reporting process. It may be appropriate to include the
impact of effective chemical management in performance objectives and measures.
DOE sites and chemical industries with recognized world-class safety programs
also use leading environment, safety, and health indicators, such as completed
training, attendance at safety meetings, participation in daily or weekly walk-
arounds, regulatory compliance, pollution prevention, and waste minimization, to
assess the effectiveness of a chemical management system. DOE facilities that
actively involve both employees and line management in hazard analyses and self-
assessments can develop efficiencies, improve processes and controls, and
empower employees to better manage the chemicals under their control.
Many commercial industries that produce or use large quantities of chemicals are
committed to going beyond requirements to ensure safe and effective operations at
their facilities. Safety performance records for these companies confirm that a
commitment to exceeding safety and environmental requirements results in success.
DOE sponsors or supports programs that can result in achieving excellent
performance in management systems. Designed for chemical manufacturers,
ACC's Responsible Care Program elements may be adapted for use at DOE sites.
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