| DOE-HDBK-1139/1-2006
Table 1, "Hazard Analyses Required by Directives" (taken and modified from
DOE-STD-1120-98, "Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health into Facility
Disposition Activities"), presents a model integrated approach to hazard analysis.
Table 1. Hazard Analyses Required by Directives*
Hazard Analysis Required
Documentation Required
29 CFR 1910.120
For decommissioning activities
Health and Safety Plan
conducted under CERCLA, requires
29 CFR 1926.65
hazard analysis and control of change
(Documentation of these other assessments as required by
for all potential worker hazards.
Hazardous Waste
Operations and
(There are other OSHA regulations that
Emergency Response
require hazard assessments [e.g., lead
and asbestos] that may be applicable to
disposition activities.)
DOE O 420.1
Requires fire hazard analysis and
Criticality Safety Analysis
natural phenomena analysis for all
Facility Safety
facilities. For Hazard Category 2 or 3
Fire Hazard Analysis
nuclear facilities only, requires a
criticality safety evaluation.
Effects of natural phenomena hazards on facility systems,
structures, or components (SSCs) included as part of safety
analysis documented in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR),
Basis for Interim Operation (BIO), or Auditable Safety
Analysis (ASA).
10 CFR851
Requires the identification, evaluation,
Worker protection programs (including analysis of worker
and control of all workplace hazards.
hazards, as needed) to implement applicable requirements.
Worker Safety and Health
DOE O 5480.23
For nuclear facilities only (Hazard
SAR prepared in accordance with DOE-STD-3009 or a BIO
Category 3 or above), requires
prepared in accordance with DOE-STD-3011.
Nuclear Safety Analysis
preliminary and final hazard
categorization and comprehensive
Annual updates to either SAR or BIO for those changes that
hazard/safety analysis to support the
affect the safety basis.
conclusion that nuclear facility
activities can be conducted without
Preliminary and final hazard categorization prepared in
causing unacceptable health or safety
accordance with DOE-STD-1027.
impacts to workers, public, or
DOE O 151.1
Identification of hazards and threats for
Emergency Management Plan
emergency planning purposes.
Emergency Management
DOE O 451.1A
Consideration of potential
For proposed activities with potentially significant impacts,
environmental impact from proposed
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); or where
National Environmental
significance of potential impact is unclear, Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA)
Assessment (EA); unless the proposed action may be
Compliance Program
categorically excluded; or for the specific case of
decommissioning, NEPA values may be integrated with
CERCLA documentation.
* Source: modified D O E-STD-1120-98/Vol. 1
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