| Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 1.1 and OT 1.2.
State objectives.
DOE radiological health and safety
Discuss that this is from DOE P
A. Policy (some key points in summary)
Show OT 1.3.
Establish and maintain a system of
regulatory policy and guidance.
Show OT 1.4.
Ensure appropriate training is developed and
delivered and the technical competence of
the DOE workforce.
Establish and maintain, from the lowest to
the highest levels, line management
involvement and accountability for
Departmental radiological performance.
Ensure radiological measurements,
analyses, worker monitoring results, and
estimates of public exposures are accurate
and appropriately made.
Conduct radiological operations in a manner
that controls the spread of radioactive
materials and reduces exposure to the work
force and the general public and utilizes a
process that seeks exposure level as low as
reasonably achievable (ALARA).
Incorporate dose reduction, contamination
reduction, and waste minimization features
into the design of new facilities and
significant modifications to existing facilities
in the earliest planning stages.
Conduct oversight to ensure Departmental
requirements are being complied with and
appropriate radiological work practices are
being implemented.
Module 1 - 2
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