| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Failure to follow a guidance document does not
in itself indicate noncompliance with a specific
requirement of the rule. A finding of
noncompliance is found for a failure to satisfy
the regulatory requirement.
Following a guidance document in the
prescribed manner will ordinarily create a
presumption of compliance with a related
regulatory requirement.
1. Technical guidance
Technical guidance describes and
disseminates technical methods and
Refer students to website for
techniques for fulfilling implementation and,
in turn, the requirements in
Insert appropriate URL
10 CFR Part 835. Examples of these
guidance are DOE Technical Standards and
Review RCTPs and discuss as
DOE Radiological Control Technical
applicable to the site.
Positions (RCTPs).
Refer students to website for IGs:
2. Implementation guides (IGs)
Insert appropriate URL
Implementation guidance is intended to
identify and make available to DOE
contractors basic program elements and
acceptable methods for implementing
specific provisions of the final rule. Thirteen
implementation guides have been developed
for 10 CFR Part 835.
Show OT 1.11.
G. Relationship between 10 CFR Part 835 and
10 CFR Part 20
10 CFR Part 20 is the occupational radiological
regulation issued by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC).
The question of consistency among federal
agencies in their occupational radiological
protection regulations became a major point of
discussion during the rule making process.
Module 1 - 8
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