| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
It is planned that all requirements for nuclear
safety will be incorporated into rules.
Obj. 4
Define the terms "shall" and
3. "Shall" and "should" statements
"should" as used in the above
10 CFR Part 835 contains "shall"
Refer students to website for
statements. "Shall" statements in Part
exemption decisions:
835 are legally binding.
Processes for exemption relief from Part
835 are set forth in Subpart E to Part 820.
Review exemption decisions and
discuss as applicable to the site.
If relief is requested from provisions of
Part 835, the exemption must be
considered and granted, if appropriate, by
the Chief Health, Safety and Security
Officer (HS-1).
The use of "should" in the DOE
Radiological Control Standard recognizes
that there may be site- or facility-specific
attributes that warrant special treatment.
It also recognizes that literal compliance
with the elements and requirements of the
provision may not achieve the desired
level of radiological control performance.
Module 1 - 12
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