| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
A control device that energizes a
conspicuous visible or audible alarm
signal so that the individual entering
the High Radiation Area and the
supervisor of the activity are made
aware of the entry.
Entryways that are locked. During
periods when access to the area is
required, positive control over each
entry is maintained.
Continuous direct or electronic
surveillance that is capable of
preventing unauthorized entry.
A control device generating audible
and visual alarm signals to alert
personnel in the area before use or
operation of the radiation source and
in sufficient time to permit evacuation
of the are or activation of a secondary
control device that will prevent use or
operation of the source.
Show OT 2.21.
3. Very High Radiation Areas
A Very High Radiation Area is an area in
which an individual could receive a dose
in excess of 500 rad in one hour at 1
meter from the radiation source or from
any surface that the radiation penetrates.
In addition to the requirements for a High
Show OT 2.22.
Radiation Area, additional measures shall
be implemented to ensure individuals are
not able to gain unauthorized access to
Very High Radiation Areas.
"No control(s) shall be established in a
High or Very High Radiation Area that
would prevent rapid evacuation of
Module 2 - 14
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