| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 4.1.
State objectives.
Radiological Control Program
A. Overall program
The Radiological Control Program consists of
the commitments, policies, and procedures that
are administered by a site or facility to meet the
EH Health and Safety Policy.
The Radiation Protection Program required by
10 CFR Part 835 is an element of the overall
Show OT 4.2.
Radiological Control Program.
Obj. 1
Identify factors that influence the
The Radiological Control Program should
scope and magnitude of a
address the following:
Radiological Control Program at any
nuclear facility.
What to do?
Who does it?
How is it done?
Is it being done, and how well?
Ask participants what factors may
affect program sizelist on flip
B. Size of the program
Encourage participants to write
responses in their Student's Guide.
Radiological Control Programs vary in size.
Responses should include the
There are several factors that may affect the
The specific facility mission
magnitude of a Radiological Control Program.
The specific mission, types and quantities of
radioactive material, and the radiation-
generating devices that will be used at the site
are just a few.
Module 4 2
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