| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 5.1 and OT 5.2.
State objectives.
Purpose of DOE Order 5480.22
The intended purpose of DOE Order 5480.22,
Obj. 1
Technical Safety Requirements, is "to clearly state the
Describe the purpose of DOE
Order 5480.22 and its relationship
requirements to have Technical Safety Requirements
to 10 CFR 830.205.
(TSRs) prepared for DOE nuclear facilities and to
delineate the criteria, content, scope, format, approval
This material may need to be
process, and reporting requirements of these
updated to reflect final
documents and revisions thereof."
implementation guidance for 10
CFR 830 when it is finalized.
On October 10, 2000 an Interim final rule was
published in the Federal Register for 10 CFR 830,
"Nuclear Safety Management". The Interim Final Rule
was effective December 11, 2000, and codifies
requirements for TSRs in 10 CFR 830.205. The new
rule requires contractors to develop and submit TSRs
to DOE for approval by April 10, 2003. In the interim,
contractors are required to meet existing safety bases,
including TSRs.
TSRs are a critical element in the overall DOE safety
A. Definitions (Paragraph 6)
Technical Safety Requirements are those
requirements that define the conditions, safe
boundaries, and the management or
Show OT 5.3.
administrative controls necessary to ensure the
safe operation of nuclear facilities and to reduce
the potential risk to the public and facility
workers from uncontrolled releases of
radioactive materials or from radiation exposure
due to inadvertent criticality. Technical Safety
Requirements consist of safety limits, operating
limits, surveillance requirements, administrative
controls, use and application instructions, and
the bases thereof.
A controlled document is content maintained
uniformly among the copies by an Administrative
Control System (paragraph 6, Item e).
Module 5 3
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