| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
at all locations where it occurs to delineate the
levels involved (workplace characterization).
Additional measurements should be made at the
same frequency as the contamination surveys to
identify the buildup of uranium in HEPA filters
and glove boxes.
Airborne contamination surveys should be
performed for:
Prompt detection of airborne contamination
for worker protection
Personnel dose assessment
Monitoring of trends within the workplace
Special studies
Show OT 6.8.
IV. Personnel protection requirements
Obj. 4
Workers in uranium facilities need to be
Describe personnel protection
appropriately trained on the hazards. DOE has
requirements, external dose
developed DOE-HDBK-1113-98, Radiological
control techniques, and internal
dose control techniques.
Safety Training for Uranium Facilities, 1998.
This handbook provides DOE's guidance on
Review DOE-HDBK-1113-98,
expectations for training of uranium workers.
Radiological Safety Training for
Uranium Facilities, 1998.
A. Personnel air sampling
The use of personnel air sampling programs
should be considered in monitoring individual
Radiological Workers.
B. Protective clothing
As a minimum, personnel who perform
operations in controlled areas should wear
coveralls, gloves, and shoe covers. No personal
outer clothing should be permitted under
coveralls. For inspections or visits, lab coats,
gloves, and shoe covers may be permissible.
Module 6 8
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