| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Review DOE-STD-1121-99,
DOE-STD-1121-99, Internal Dosimetry, provides
Internal Dosimetry.
technical guidance on internal dosimetry
programs, including evaluation of occupational
internal doses from exposure to radon and
thoron. This standard should be reviewed prior
to conducting assessments of internal dosimetry
VII.Special controls and considerations at uranium
Show OT 6.11.
Obj. 5
Describe special controls and
A. Criticality alarm systems (gamma or neutron)
considerations required for
shall be provided in each area where an
uranium operations.
accidental criticality is possible. Site
requirements documents relating to criticality
alarms should be reviewed prior to the
assessment, if applicable. These
requirements may include: ANSI/ANS 8.1,
Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with
Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors;
ANSI/ANS 8.3 Criticality Accident Alarm
Systems; ANSI/ANS 8.7, Nuclear Criticality
Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials;
ANSI/ANS 8.15, Nuclear Criticality Control of
Special Actinide Elements; and ANSI/ANS
8.19, ANS Administrative Procedures for
Nuclear Criticality.
B. All DOE facilities that possess sufficient
quantities and kinds of fissile material to
constitute a potentially critical mass shall
provide nuclear accident dosimetry (fixed and Reference 10 CFR 835.1304.
personal). The number of dosimeters
needed and their placement will depend on
the nature of the operation, structural design
of the facility, and accessibility of areas to
personnel. An analysis of the dosimeters
and their placement should be conducted
and documented.
Module 6 11
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