| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
2. Contamination controls
Good housekeeping
Good work practices
3. Personnel protective equipment
Air supplied respirators
Protective clothing
Obj. 3
F. Metabolism of tritium
Identify the biological effects of
internally deposited tritium.
The tritium beta lacks sufficient energy to
penetrate the dead cell layer in skin. Therefore,
it is of little consequence as an external hazard.
The beta particles can produce Bremsstrahlung
radiation when they interact with matter,
although the tritium Bremsstrahlung is extremely
low energy. It is remotely possible that the
Bremsstrahlung exposure could become
significant around materials with very high
specific activities and little or no shielding.
Tritium can deliver a radiation dose if it gets
inside the body. Modes of entry include:
Show OT 7.9.
1. Inhalation
Tritium gas (HT) is only slightly incorporated
into the body when inhaled. Approximately
0.005% of HT inhaled is converted to tritiated
water prior to being exhaled. Depending
upon the rate at which HT converts to HTO in
vivo, it is possible that some dissolved HT
may be excreted in urine.
Module 7 8
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