| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Most tritium leaves the body either in urine or
through evaporation from the lungs and skin. The
dose commitment from an uptake of one curie of
HTO is approximately 63 rem.
For the above 3 discussed modes of entry: STPs
and insoluble components of tritiated oils behave
with the characteristics of the particle to which they
are attached.
For dose calculations for STPs, ICRP Publication
Review Types S, M, F
66 uses absorption types; slow, medium, and fast
(S, M, F). These are used in place of the lung
retention classes (day, week, and year; D, W, Y)
used in ICRP Publication 30. Depending on the
absorption type of the compound, the dose per
intake will be different than HTO.
For example: The air concentration value (which
could be used in assessing dose per intake) for
Type S STP is 10 times more restrictive than HTO,
while the air concentration value for Type F STP is
5 times less restrictive than HTO.
Soluble OBTs act somewhat similar to HTO,
however a larger percentage of nuclear
transformations occur in the stomach. The dose
per intake is approximately twice that of HTO.
Skin absorption is also a valid intake pathway for
tritiated oil components and solvent OBT.
G. Methods of tritium containment
Show OT 7.10.
1. Primary - Process equipment and piping
2. Secondary
Glove boxes
Temporary vented enclosures
Module 7 10
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