| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 7.12.
I. Measurement techniques for tritium
Obj. 4
1. Air monitoring - Fixed and portable ionization
Describe appropriate instrumentation,
chambers most widely used.
measurement techniques, and special
radiological survey methods for tritium.
2. Differential monitoring - Separate monitoring
Flow-through ionization chambers
of HT and HTO components through the use
of bubblers in conjunction with desiccants or
Typical example - TRITON radioactive
gas monitors
Explain how the ionization chamber
3. Discrete sampling - Samples collected with a
bubbler or "cold finger" type sampler, then
later analyzed by liquid scintillation counting
4. Process monitoring
Stack, room, hood, glove box
Mass spectroscopy, gas chromatography,
5. Surface monitoring
Difficult to measure directly due to low-
energy emission
May have some success with thin window
GM (pancake style probe), thin window
sodium iodine, or gas flow proportional
Smears taken for loose contamination,
and measured by dissolution and analysis
by liquid scintillation counting techniques
6. Liquid Monitoring - Liquid scintillation
counting techniques
Module 7 12
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