| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Criticality alarm systems (gamma or neutron)
should be provided in each area where an
accidental criticality is possible.
E. Sources of external dose
Show OT 8.8.
External dose control for plutonium is primarily
concerned with photon dose rates from handling
plutonium in a glove box and from the neutron
dose rate from some mixtures of plutonium.
While significant high-energy penetrating photons
are not commonly associated with plutonium, low-
energy photons (x- and gamma-rays) can create
significant dose rate problems to extremities. This
is particularly a concern when large amounts of
Plutonium-238, Plutonium-241, or Americium-241
(from the decay of Plutonium-241) are present.
Neutrons can also represent a potentially
significant dose due to spontaneous fission
(alpha, neutron) reactions or neutron induced
fission. The neutron dose is largely determined
by the radioisotope and other materials near the
F. Control of external dose
Show OT 8.9.
External dose control is accomplished with
traditional dose reduction techniques:
Time (minimize)
Long-handled tongs, for example.
Distance (maximize)
Shielding (use as needed)
Other work practices, including good
housekeeping and specialized tool and equipment
design, can reduce external dose, as well.
Module 8 8
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