| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
VII. Other radiation-generating devices
Other radiation-generating devices (RGDs) that may
be encountered are small particle accelerators (<10
MeV) used for radiography, ion implantation, or the
production of incidental photons or particles
Some RGDs produce radiation incidental to their
primary purpose. Examples of devices that produce
radiation incidentally are electron beam welders,
electron microscopes, and pulse generators.
VIII. Categorizing RGD installations
Show OT 12.11.
The ANSI standards referenced earlier categorize
RGD installations into the following categories for
Each category is discussed briefly.
The ANSI standards and other
radiation safety purposes.
referenced documents should be
consulted for complete information
A. Exempt shielded installations
and requirements for each category.
The RGD and all objects exposed to the source
of radiation shall be within a permanent
enclosure that, under all circumstances of use,
possesses sufficient inherent shielding and
prevents inadvertent entry to any part of the
body. The exposure at any accessible region 5
cm from the outside surface of the enclosure
shall not exceed 0.5 mrem in any one hour.
Module 12 11
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