| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 13.1, OT 13.2, and OT
10 CFR Part 835, Occupational Radiation Protection,
State objectives.
includes provisions for exposure to ionizing radiation
from DOE activities, which includes exposures from
accelerator operations.
DOE Guidance
Review DOE G441.1-5, Radiation-
DOE G441.1-5, Radiation-Generating Devices
Generating Devices Guide.
Guide, provides guidance on DOE's expectations for
controlling exposure from accelerators (see section
Review DOE O 420.2, Safety of The IG refers to applicable ANSI standards
Accelerator Facilities.
and DOE O 420.2, Safety of Accelerator Facilities.
Article 364 of DOE-STD-1098-99, Radiological
Review DOE-STD-1098-99,
Control, provides similar guidance, and includes
Radiological Control
guidance to use the Health Physics Manual of Good
(Article 364).
Practices for Accelerator Facilities, SLAC-327, in
Review Health Physics Manual of
meeting occupational radiation protection
Good Practices for Accelerator
requirements for accelerators.
Facilities, SLAC-327.
DOE HDBK-1108-97, Radiological Safety Training
Review DOE HDBK-1108-97,
for Accelerator Facilities, provides guidance on
Radiological Safety Training
DOE's expectations for radiation safety training for
Accelerator Facilities.
individuals using accelerators.
III. General characteristics of accelerators
Obj. 1
Identify the general
characteristics of accelerators.
Accelerators are devices that increase the speed
and thus the energy of charged particles.
A. Accelerator energy
Accelerators are normally rated by the maximum
energy to which the particles are accelerated.
The energy imparted to the charged particles is
determined by the potential difference measured
in volts (V) in the electrical field. At all but the
smallest accelerators, the acceleration is
accomplished by directing the charged particles
repeatedly through regions containing
radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
Module 14 3
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