| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 16.1.
State objectives.
The radiological incident about
Case studies guidance
which the case study is
developed concerned a loss of
control of radioactive
Point to remember: If each root cause is not
contamination at the Paducah
adequately treated/corrected by a corrective action,
Gaseous Diffusion Plant in
recurrence of the event or some variation of it is
August of 1991. This event was
worsened by the fact that some
contamination was carried
offsite to employees' homes and
Review a reconstruction of events from the available
personal possessions.
As a group, discuss the known
A proper investigation report or occurrence report
facts and whether there is
enough information to
reconstructs the events as they occurred.
reconstruct the event.
Determine whether the
"performance of the workers" or
the "systems in place" led to the
event. This discussion will lead
to how the systems support the
workers and the workers
support the systems.
Module 16 2
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