| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
III. Assessment process
The assessment process is one of the evaluation
methods used to determine the status and
effectiveness of an overall management system.
With this perspective, the assessment process
should be planned and scheduled to accomplish the
Evaluate the effectiveness of program
implementation in order to meet compliance
Provide input for assessment process
The assessment process consists of four phases:
Show OT 18.3.
1. Planning
Obj. 3
Describe the four key elements of
the assessment process.
2. Performance
3. Reporting
4. Response evaluation, follow-up, and close-out
A. Planning
Obj. 4
Discuss the advantage of
Planning is the key to a successful assessment.
planning for an assessment.
It is possible to go immediately to the field to
observe, work with, and find out how things are
being done. That is one element and approach
You are not just observing the
to the process, but there is a greater advantage
field, but comparing how things
to be made with proper planning and
are done with how the program
states they are to be done.
You will know what to expect,
and where and when to look for
Module 18 3
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