| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
While agreeing with the goal of consistency,
DOE believes that it must promulgate its own
regulations because of the unique nature and
diversity of radiological activities within the DOE
complex. The final rule allows DOE to establish
more rigorous requirements in areas of particular
concern. Overall 10 CFR Part 835 has many
similarities as 10 CFR Part 20.
IV. DOE STD Radiological Control and Orders
A. Radiological Control
In January 1992, a memorandum was sent to the
heads of DOE elements involved in managing
radiological programs. In the memorandum, the
Secretary directed a series of initiatives to
enhance the conduct of radiological operations
within the Department of Energy. Also in this
memo, the Assistant Secretary of Environment,
Safety and Health was directed to develop a
comprehensive and definitive radiological control
manual. The DOE Radiological Control Manual
was developed to meet that directive and was
approved by the Secretary and promulgated with
DOE Notice 5480.6, Radiological Control, in July
After the issuance of 10 CFR 835 as a final rule
in December 1993, DOE Notice N441.1,
Radiological Protection for DOE Activities, was
issued on 9-30-95. This cancelled the notice
which made the Radiological Control Manual a
requirements document. However, the notice
stated that "cancelled orders that are
incorporated by reference in a contract shall
remain in effect until the contract is modified to
delete the reference.
N441.1 also retained some of the radiation
protection requirements from the Radiological
Control Manual that were not included in 10 CFR
Module 1 - 8
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