| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
Members of the public in a controlled
area and occupationally exposed
minors likely to receive, in one year,
from external sources, a dose in
excess of 50 percent of the applicable
Individuals entering a High or Very
High Radiation Area.
DOE Laboratory Accreditation for
Personnel Dosimetry is required for
external dose monitoring programs
implemented to demonstrate compliance
with 10 CFR 835.
4. Individual monitoring - internal (10 CFR
Internal dose evaluation programs
(including routine bioassay programs)
shall be conducted for:
Radiological Workers who, under
typical conditions, are likely to receive
0.1 rem or more committed effective
dose equivalent from all occupational
radionuclide intakes in a year.
Declared Pregnant Workers likely to
receive an intake or intakes resulting in
a dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus
in excess of 10 percent of the limit.
Members of the public in a controlled
area and occupationally exposed
minors who are likely to receive a
committed effective dose equivalent in
excess of 50 percent of the limit from
all intakes in a year.
Module 2 - 10
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