| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
F. Subpart F - Entry Control Program (10 CFR
Subpart F addresses entry into:
Radiological Areas
High Radiation Areas
Very High Radiation Areas
1. Radiological Areas
The degree of control shall be commensurate
with existing and potential radiological
hazards within the area.
One or more of the following methods
shall be used to ensure control:
Signs and barricades
Control devices on entrances
Conspicuous visual and/or audible
Locked entrance ways
Administrative controls
"No control(s) shall be installed at any
radiological area exit that would prevent
rapid evacuation of personnel under
emergency conditions."
2. High Radiation Areas
A High Radiation Area is an area where
radiation levels exist such that an
individual could exceed a deep dose
equivalent to the whole body of 0.1 rem in
any one hour at 30 centimeters from the
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