| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
Violations of TSRs may need to be reported as
part of the Noncompliance Tracking System
(NTS). For guidance on NTS reports, refer to
Operation Procedure Identifying, Reporting, and
Tracking Nuclear Safety Noncompliances, June
1998, prepared by the DOE Office of
Enforcement (HS-40).
G. Ancillary guidance
The TSR document shall be kept current at all
times so that it reflects the facility as it exists and
is analyzed in the SAR. The TSR must be
approved prior to changes in the facility or
facility practices.
TSRs should be written in a clear and concise
manner, in language that is understandable by
those in the facility operating organization. The
TSR should not contain excessive details that
belong more appropriately in the SAR.
The scope and content of TSRs are to be limited
to only the most critical nuclear safety areas.
This serves to make TSR Documents more
useful for controlling facility safety.
H. Radiological Assessment of TSR Compliance
TSRs typically specify requirements for several
areas that may be reviewed as part of a
radiological assessment. These areas include:
Area monitors:
Criticality monitors
Area Radiation Monitors
Air Monitors (i.e., real time air monitors,
fixed head air samplers)
Module 5 - 6
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