| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
coveralls, gloves, and shoe covers. No personal
outer clothing should be permitted under
coveralls. For inspections or visits, lab coats,
gloves, and shoe covers may be permissible.
Protective clothing should be removed at the
step-off pad, and personnel monitoring for
contamination shall be performed. If this is not
practical, strict control of the movement of
personnel shall be maintained from the step-off
pad to a location where protective clothing can
be removed. Personnel wearing protective
clothing shall not be allowed to mingle with
individuals wearing personal street clothing.
Protective clothing shall not be allowed in
uncontrolled areas such as offices, lunchrooms,
or control rooms.
C. Respiratory protection
Respiratory protection should be readily
available. Respiratory protective equipment
should be used for all bag-out operations, bag
and glove changes, and any situation involving a
potential or actual breach of confinement.
V. External dose control
A. Beta radiation
Beta radiation is usually the dominant external
radiation hazard in work with unshielded forms
of uranium. The primary concern is
Protactinium-234m, though other radionuclides
may be present. Particular care should be taken
in operations such as melting and casting, where
decay products could be separated and
concentrated. Appropriate measurements
should be made of the material and appropriate
extremity dosimetry worn by workers handling
the material.
Module 6 - 7
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