| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
2. Radiological properties
He + beta minus and anti-neutrino
Emax = 18.6 keV, Eavg = 5.69 keV
Half-life = 12.32 years
Specific activity = 9619 Ci/gram
ALIwater = 3000 MBq = 8 E4 μCi
(inhalation and ingestion)
DACwater = 0.8 MBq/m3 = 2 E-5 μCi/cm3
DACelemental = 2 E4 MBq/m3 = 0.5 μCi/cm3
f1 = 1
Committed dose equivalent per unit
intake = 1.73 E-11 Sv/Bq =
6.4 E-2 mrem/μCi
DACelemental/DACwater = 25,000
In addition, DOE has issued guidance on
radiological protection for special tritiated
compounds in Radiological Control Technical
Position, RCTP 99 - 02, Acceptable Approach for
Developing Air Concentration Values for
Controlling Exposures to Tritiated Particulate
Aerosols and Organically-Bound Tritium.
DOE has also developed a technical standard,
now in draft, Radiological Control Programs for
Special Tritium Compounds, DOE-HDBK-1184-
Module 7 - 3
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