| Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
energy responses for photons with energies
≥ 10 keV.
Monitoring practices include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Contamination surveys of the workplace
Release surveys
External exposure rate surveys
Airborne radioactivity surveys (both real time
(CAMs) and historical (fixed air head))
Routine surveillance by a Radiological Control
All workplaces shall be monitored for
contamination levels on a regularly scheduled
basis. The frequency of such surveys will depend
on the potential for dispensability of the
radioactive material. As a minimum, all gloves,
work surfaces, floors, and equipment within the
workplace should be surveyed.
Airborne radioactivity surveys should be
performed for:
Prompt detection of airborne contaminants for
worker protection
Personnel dose assessment
Monitoring of trends within the workplace
Special studies
In most plutonium facilities, the primary
radiological hazard is the potential for internal
intakes of plutonium. This hazard must be
controlled by appropriate facility and equipment
Module 8 - 3
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