| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
In such situations, written authorization
should be obtained from the line organization
manager and the Radiological Control
Manager prior to incurring internal dose.
Specific justification of the need to accept the
dose, including a description of measures
taken to mitigate the intake of airborne
radioactivity, should be documented as part
of the radiological work documentation.
The use of personal air sampling programs
should be considered to monitor individual
workers for exposure to airborne radioactive
material, especially when the use of
respiratory protection is contraindicated. This
is particularly important when there is a
bioassay program technology shortfall (i.e.,
the derived investigation level is less than the
minimum detectable activity). Section 4.4.4
of DOE-STD-1121-98, Internal Dosimetry,
discusses use of breathing zone or personal
air monitoring.
In addition, DOE has issued guidance on use
of air monitoring results when there is a
technology shortfall in Radiological Control
Technical Position (RCTP) 2001-01,
Questions and Answers Concerning
Acceptable Approaches to Implementing
Bioassay Program Requirements.
In part, RCTP 2001-01 states that, when
there is a technology shortfall for bioassay
and air monitoring results indicate exposures
greater than 100 millirem in a year are likely,
one should assess dose based on the air
monitoring results.
Module 10 - 5
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