| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
10 CFR Part 835, Occupational Radiation
Protection, includes provisions for exposure to
ionizing radiation from DOE activities. Included in
the 10 CFR 835 definition of a radiological worker is
"operation of radiation producing devices". 10 CFR
835 also specifies requirements for sealed
radioactive sources.
DOE Guidance
DOE G441.1-5, Radiation-Generating Devices
Guide, provides guidance on DOE's expectations
for controlling exposure from radiation generating
devices (RGD). The IG includes a definition of a
RGD as "a collective term for devices which
produce ionizing radiation including, certain sealed
radioactive sources, small particle accelerators
used for single purpose applications which produce
ionizing radiation (e.g., radiography), and electron
generating devices that produce x-rays incidentally."
For sealed radioactive sources, refer to DOE
G441.1-13, Sealed Radioactive Source
Accountability and Control Guide.
Article 365 of DOE-STD-1098-99, Radiological
Control, provides additional guidance, including the
use of ANSI N43.3, ANSI N43.2, and 10 CFR Part
34 for meeting its requirements covering RGDs.
DOE HDBK-1109-97, Radiological Safety Training
for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices, provides
guidance on DOE's expectations for radiation safety
training for individuals using RGDs.
Module 12 - 1
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