| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Student's Guide
This same employee was also known to be
contaminated at the C-337 building exit on two
separate monitors (twice on one, once on the other)
when leaving after the shift change approximately
0700 on August 23, 1991. The employee stated that
the first monitor alarmed, but that the second
monitor did not indicate the contamination.
No monitoring data was found for the second
employee, since he did not utilize equipment
capable of storing this information.
Personal egress monitoring data from the facility
was also reviewed, and individuals from prior shifts
were contacted and monitored. An operator who
was in the C-337-A area extensively from 0700 to
1830 hours on August 22, 1991, had a new pair of
company-issued shoes, which were found to be free
of contamination. This operator had left the C-337-A
facility at 1830 hours on August 22, 1991.
Additionally, routine surveys on August 19, 1991, did
not indicate a similar contamination problem. Since
no significant contamination problems were
identified prior to 1900 hours on August 22, 1991,
the investigation focused on the activities from 1900
hours on August 22, 1991, to 0700 hours on August
23, 1991.
Urinalysis, as well as in vivo internal dosimetry
assessments, was performed on these employees
and did not indicate any evidence of internal
contamination. Personnel whole-body external
radiation dosimeters worn by both employees,
although externally contaminated, did not indicate
that abnormal doses to ionizing radiation were
Skin dose calculations showed less than 0.10 rem
for Employee No. 2 and 1.50 rem for Employee
No. 1, compared to an annual limit of 50 rem.
Module 16 - 8
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