| Radiological Assessor Training
Elements of a Radiological Control Program (cont.)
X-ray and source radiography
General requirements
Radiological safety
Testing, operations, and calibration
Emergency response
Transporting and receiving radiography sources
Workplace surveys and monitoring
General requirements
Survey frequencies (continuous monitoring, follow-up surveys)
Survey of routine and nonroutine activities
Monitoring conditions
Points at which monitoring will be required
Survey and monitoring techniques and methods
Implementation of a comprehensive routine surveillance program for
radiation, contamination, and airborne surveys
Schedules, policies, and control of dose rate surveys (routine, nonroutine,
Schedules, policies, and practices for contamination surveys (personnel,
airborne, and surface)
Monitoring workers during and following work
Surveys of gloves
Techniques for self-monitoring upon exit
Accessibility of exit monitoring equipment, surveys for loose surface
Accuracy of detection (amount and source identification)
Personnel air sampling (breathing zones)
Procedures to follow when contamination is detected
Participation of health physics staff in developing, implementing, and
auditing the survey and self-monitoring program
Smearable radioactive contamination
Surveys of injured personnel
Documentation and record keeping requirements
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