| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Technical Safety Requirement (TSR) Format and Content (cont.)
b. Actions
Action statements are to completely describe the actions to be taken in
the event that the SL is not met.
c. Selection of SLs
SLs are those limits which, if exceeded, could directly cause the failure
of one or more of the barriers that prevent the uncontrolled release of
radioactive or other hazardous materials.
Combined Section 3/4
Within the TSR document, Section 3 delineates the Operational Limits,
and Section 4 describes the Surveillance Requirements. There is usually
a one-to-one correlation between the operational limits and the
surveillance related to each. Thus, for convenience, each limit is typically
presented at the same place as its related surveillance, and the
combined information is designated Section 3/4.
This combined section should contain the Limiting Control Settings and
the Limiting Conditions for Operation, as well as mode applicability
information, Action Statements, and Surveillance Requirements, for each
3. Operational Limits (OLs)
The initial conditions of the safety (accident) analyses upon which the
authorization to operate is based are the least conservative limits of
acceptable operation. These initial condition values must be adjusted for
both instrument error and the expected instrument drift between
surveillances, and an allowance should be made for calculational
uncertainties prior to being used as limits in the TSRs.
The most conservative value for each parameter contained in the safety
analyses makes up the envelope within which the facility must operate in
order to ensure that the SAR analyses found safe operations. Provided
the facility is operated within these SAR initial condition limits, the SAR
results accurately demonstrate that the consequences of
accidents/transients/incidents are acceptable.
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