| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Technical Safety Requirement (TSR) Format and Content (cont.)
6. Appendices
The Bases Appendix shall provide brief summary statements of the
reasons for the SLs, OLs, and associated SRs. The bases shall show
the numeric values, the conditions, the surveillances, and the Action
Statements that fulfill the purpose derived from the safety
documentation. The primary purpose for describing the basis of each
requirement is to ensure that any future changes to the requirement
will not affect its original intent or purpose.
The purpose of the Design Features Appendix is to describe in detail
those features not covered elsewhere in the TSRs which, if altered or
modified, would have a significant effect on safety. Three areas should
be addressed: vital passive components, configuration and physical
arrangement, and materials.
Numbering System within the TSR Document
Safety Limits
SLs should begin with 2.1 and continue with 2.2, 2.3, etc.
Operational Limits
OLs begin with 3.1 and continue with 3.2, 3.3, etc. Any subdivision of
OLs should be numbered with an additional number added to the
number of the LSC, i.e., 3.2.2, 3.2.3, etc. OLs should be grouped by
principal system or function, and each OL within a group should be
numbered sequentially. LCSs are normally the first requirement within
a group.
For NNFs, a standardized grouping of requirements may be difficult
because of the diversity of facility types. However, many will have the
following subdivisions:
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