| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
III. Decision making
Show OT 6.3.
A. Developing strategy
Once the problem has been identified,
alternative solutions must be generated. A
general rule for decision making is as follows: if
an acceptable standard solution is available to a
problem, then it should be used instead of
spending time and resources reinventing a
solution. If a standard solution is not available,
alternatives must be developed.
1. Standard solutions involve using standard
operating procedures as well as available
alternatives. Optimization techniques, which
include cost-benefit analysis, are a
fundamental part of work reviews and of
radiological analyses for new designs and
modifications. For review of minor or routine
activities with low associated doses, a cost-
benefit evaluation may be an intrinsic part of
the engineering or operations review
process, so a detailed evaluation is usually
not necessary. For review and planning of
major tasks involving higher collective dose
expenditures, a detailed and documented
evaluation should be performed.
2. A simple optimization decision may be made
by choosing a low-current-dose worker
instead of a high-dose worker or by declining
to spend a large sum to save only a few
mrem. Note that the writing of work planning
documents (e..g., Radiological Work Permits,
work packages, procedures, etc.) is also an
optimization evaluation, in which the line
supervisor must usually concur.
Module 6-4
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