| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
Reinforce positive behavior changes that
increase productivity.
C. Delegating
Part of a leader's role is to delegate tasks and
decisions to employees. The level of delegation
typically depends on one's style of leadership.
Some leaders feel comfortable in delegating
responsibility along with the delegated tasks,
while others feel more comfortable delegating
only the task.
Prior to delegating, a leader must consider the
Is the employee capable of completing the
assigned task?
Does the employee have the necessary
resources to complete the task (human
resources, financial resources, training)?
What are the consequences of failure? The
Ask students for other items that
supervisor will have to assess the level of risk might need to be considered prior to
in the task and determine whether the
delegating. List on flip chart.
organization can assume the risk of error.
What type of supervision is necessary? The
supervisor should decide how closely he or
she should be involved. This will be
contingent on the competency of the
employee, the level of risk associated with
the task, and the leadership style of the
Module 86
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