| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
There are also organizational and regulatory
restrictions in decision making that must be
clarified. These decisions include fiscal
decisions, standard operating procedures
within the organization, restrictions imposed
by DOE, etc. Identifying decisions that are
not appropriate for participative decision
making will narrow down those decisions that
are appropriate.
5. Assuming participative decision making is to
be used, determine what decisions are
appropriate to delegate. Once boundaries
and limitations are defined, come up with a
tentative outline for the types of decisions
that are appropriate for sharing with
employees and those that are not
appropriate. This outline is tentative and
requires input from other managers,
employees, and the administration prior to
being implemented.
6. Decide whether empowerment strategies will
Show OT 7.9.
be required or voluntary. Will a manager or
employee have a choice of whether he/she
will participate? What degree of
delegation/empowerment will be required?
7. Communicate the tentative plan to
managers, supervisors, and the
administration. Prior to getting input from
employees, get initial input from managers,
supervisors, and the administration. This
information will help determine the feasibility
of employee empowerment.
Module 710
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