| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
3. A side effect of trying to reduce doses is
Show OT 5.7.
often an increase in efficiency and a
decrease in incidents in performing
radiological jobs, since greater planning is
required. Records of past similar jobs can
assist in planning future jobs and reduce
dose further.
Discuss students' perception of
workers' responsibilities. List on
C. Fostering positive worker attitudes toward
flip chart. Encourage students to
achieving excellence
write answers in the Student's
Worker attitudes are key to radiological
Answers may include the following:
performance. A positive attitude makes a
Workers understand that they
person take that one extra step. When
are responsible for control of
everyone's attitude embraces radiological
radiological work that they
excellence, and the performance is excellent,
Workers understand the risks of
the program will reduce exposure and
radiation. They convey
environmental burdens.
confidence to family and others.
Improving attitude is part of
Radiological control is
perceived as integral to the job.
Mechanisms exist to improve
worker attitudes, such as a
Radiological Awareness
Committee and the use of
performance indicators.
Constant improvement in
radiological performance is
Cooperation between the work
force and radiological control
organization is stressed.
Radiological control cannot be
left solely to the Health
Module 5 - 13
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