| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
Members of the public in a controlled
area and occupationally exposed
minors likely to receive, in one year,
from external sources, a dose in
excess of 50 percent of the applicable
limit in 10 CFR 835 Subpart C.
Individuals entering a High or Very
High Radiation Area.
DOE Laboratory Accreditation for
Personnel Dosimetry is required for
external dose monitoring programs
implemented to demonstrate compliance
with 10 CFR 835.
4. Individual monitoring - internal (10 CFR
Show OT 2.15.
Internal dose evaluation programs
(including routine bioassay programs)
shall be conducted for:
Emphasize how it is important to
Radiological Workers who, under
integrate several aspects of the
typical conditions, are likely to receive
radiological control program into an
0.1 rem or more committed effective
effective internal dose monitoring
dose equivalent from all occupational
program. These include: bioassay
(selection of participants and
radionuclide intakes in a year.
isotopes to be monitored), air
monitoring, and contamination
Declared Pregnant Workers likely to
monitoring (both personnel and
receive an intake or intakes resulting in
area). RCTP 2001-01 describes an
a dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus
acceptable approach for
implementing an internal dose
in excess of 10 percent of the limit
monitoring program.
stated in 10 CFR 835.206(a).
Members of the public in a controlled
area and occupationally exposed
minors who are likely to receive a
committed effective dose equivalent in
excess of 50 percent of the applicable
limit in 10 CFR 835 Subpart C from all
intakes in a year.
Module 2 - 10
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